Expert Pediatricians in Sudbury, MA

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Welcome to Post Road Pediatrics! For over forty years our experienced and compassionate team of clinicians and staff members have provided personalized pediatric care for our community's children from infancy through college.

We understand that your child's medical care is important, and often overwhelming. That is why we pride ourselves on utilizing the Patient Centered Medical Home model to provide complete and personalized care to those who entrust us with their children's health. We are a part of the Pediatric Physicians of Children's Hospital (PPOC) and undergo a rigorous healthcare quality certification process annually to ensure we continue to live up to your expectations.

At Post Road Pediatrics, all our clinicians are highly educated and experienced in the pediatric field. As a practice we maintain a high level of expertise through continuing education, routine review of up-to-date literature, and updating our protocols to adhere to best practice recommendations.

Doctor putting a band aid on young mans arm

Vaccine Policy

Post Road Pediatrics would like to reassure our patients and families that we are firm supporters of the science of vaccines. Protection against vaccine-preventable illness is a cornerstone of what we think about and do as pediatricians. We wholeheartedly recommend that children are vaccinated per the recommended schedule, and we do not anticipate any changes in those recommendations anytime soon.

We are very concerned about disinformation in the media regarding the lack of safety of certain vaccines or correlations with autism, and do not believe in or support these myths. We’re also concerned about disinformation about prevention of measles, as the best way to prevent measles is via the MMR vaccine.

Please see our Vaccine Policy page for more information and recommendations.

Young girl smiles while playing

Behavioral Health

Our Behavioral Health Clinicians provide consultations, evaluations, education, brief treatments, and referral guidance for children and families.

a sleeping child in bed while his mom puts her hand on his head

What to Do After Hours

If you have a sick child or urgent need after hours, call us.

We may be able to help you prevent an unnecessary (lengthy, sometimes expensive) visit to the Emergency Room with guidance over the phone, or see you in our office at a time that works for you.

**Please note that after hours care is only available for current patients.

Smiling girls of different backgrounds draw on paper

Talking to Your Kids About Racism

Please see our newsletter with resources about how to talk to your kids about racism and racial bias.

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